When I was a small girl, I lived on my grandparents' farm. Time passed more slowly then, and my Nanna and I made a lot of things together: Sewing, knitting, paper craft, drawing, painting, sculpting cute little animals with Fimo, restringing old beaded necklaces into new creations...
Once, we turned clothes pegs into dolls, and made a house for them from a beer box, with furniture constructed from empty cigarette packets.

Growing up with my Nanna around was like having a personal fashion designer - she sewed and knitted many, many clothes for me and my siblings. I was given a doll for Christmas one year, along with an enormous box. When I opened the box it was filled with handmade doll outfits, exact miniature copies of the ones she had made for me.
A Fimo clay necklace that my Nanna made for me: Anna & Nanna as flowers
Even after my immediate family had moved, and we only visited the farm for the holidays, my Nanna and I always made our signature rumballs .
It's been a year today since my Nanna passed away.
Thanks Nanna, for teaching me the joy of making. I would be a different Anna if it wasn't for that.
Zelda (Dicinoski) Gerber
9/1/1927 - 29/9/2014